Ausammas inglise keeles
Tõlge: ausammas, Sõnastik: eesti » inglise
Soovitud keel:
statue, monument, Statue, Statue of, the monument
Näidislaused ja tõlked: ausammas
The statue was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers.
Kuju püstitati langenud sõdurite auks.
The statue was created by the famous artist, John Smith.
Kuju on loonud kuulus kunstnik John Smith.
The statue is located in the center of the park.
Kuju asub pargi keskel.
The monument was built to honor the fallen soldiers.
Monument ehitati langenud sõdurite auks.
It is a beautiful monument that stands in the center of the city.
See on ilus monument, mis seisab linna keskel.
The monument is a popular tourist destination.
Monument on populaarne turismisihtkoht.
The statue was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers.
Kuju püstitati langenud sõdurite auks.
The statue was created by the famous artist, John Smith.
Kuju on loonud kuulus kunstnik John Smith.
The statue is located in the center of the park.
Kuju asub pargi keskel.
Kuju püstitati langenud sõdurite auks.
The statue was created by the famous artist, John Smith.
Kuju on loonud kuulus kunstnik John Smith.
The statue is located in the center of the park.
Kuju asub pargi keskel.
The monument was built to honor the fallen soldiers.
Monument ehitati langenud sõdurite auks.
It is a beautiful monument that stands in the center of the city.
See on ilus monument, mis seisab linna keskel.
The monument is a popular tourist destination.
Monument on populaarne turismisihtkoht.
The statue was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers.
Kuju püstitati langenud sõdurite auks.
The statue was created by the famous artist, John Smith.
Kuju on loonud kuulus kunstnik John Smith.
The statue is located in the center of the park.
Kuju asub pargi keskel.
Seotud sõnad
Teised keeled
Seotud sõnad: ausammas
ausammas antonüümid, ausammas eesti, ausammas grammatika, ausammas inglise keeles, ausammas jeltsinile, ausammas sõnastik inglise, ausammas inglise keeles
- aus inglise keeles - frank, upright, honest, fair, truthful, an honest
- ausalt inglise keeles - fairly, frankly, honestly, truthfully, honest
- auskultatsioon inglise keeles - auscultation
- auspiits inglise keeles - auspice
Juhuslikud sõnad
Ausammas inglise keeles - Sõnastik: eesti » inglise
Tõlked: statue, monument, Statue, Statue of, the monument
Tõlked: statue, monument, Statue, Statue of, the monument