Free dictionary

Welcome to the online dictionary, where you will find hundreds of thousands of words translated into all sorts (even the somewhat exotic) of languages​​. Our dictionary will improve your learning and work. It may also be helpful in entertainment or in developing your passions and interests. In our dictionary you will also find grammatical variations and synonyms for selected words. Currently, you can use 31 dictionaries - all free of charge.


Our database: 31 language dictionaries and 70163 words. In addition, you can check synonyms, grammar and other information relating to the word.


Our dictionary has a wide range of translations of words in many languages. Type in the search box the word, which you want to translate and then select the appropriate language for your translation.

Language Dictionary

english, spanish, german, french, italian, portuguese, dutch, russian, norwegian, swedish, finnish, danish, czech, polish, hungarian, turkish, greek, ukrainian, albanian, bulgarian, belarusian, estonian, croatian, icelandic, latin, lithuanian, latvian, macedonian, romanian, slovenian, slovak

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